New Courses and Managing Your Budget ... We've Got Your Back!
Thanks for being a SmarterMaths subscriber in 2018.
We've had numerous queries this term from schools wanting to spend some of their remaining 2018 budget on prepayment for their 2019 subscription.
If you would like to take advantage of any remaining 2018 budget in this way, simply reply to this email and we'll get an invoice out to you.
New syllabus requirements and SmarterMaths
- SmarterMaths adjusts to new syllabus requirements as quickly as any program in the market.
- Subscriptions cover the old course (for Y12 2019) and the new course (for Y11 2019) at no extra cost for orders placed in Term 4.
- All topic areas remaining in the new courses are retained and recategorized to reflect the new syllabus structures, while new (previously unexamined) content will see a growing supplementary database of HSC standard questions.
- RAP data is now integrated into both the new and old courses to highlight past school problem areas.
Thanks again for subscribing in 2018.
Matt Burgess
SmarterMaths Founder
ph (02) 8007 3358