SmarterMaths ... Looking after our New Subscribers!
One in every two high schools in NSW subscribes to SmarterMaths. We save teachers hours of time and put high quality resources at their fingertips.
If your school is considering a SmarterMaths subscription in 2019, our current special offer will help your school get more value for its hard fought budget.
Special Offer for New Subscribers
- Purchase in Term 4 and receive 5 terms for the price of 4 (your subscription lasts until the start of 2020).
- Choose to pay in 2018 or 2019 - whichever suits your budget.
- Any subscription to a transitioning mathematics program during Term 4 will also include full access to the new replacement course relevant to year 11 students in 2019, at no extra cost.
- RAP data integration is now included for both the old and new transitioning courses at no extra cost.
If you would like to take a closer look, register for an (immediate) free trial here.
Any orders can be made by simply replying to this email or online at our website here.
Thanks and regards,
Matt Burgess
SmarterMaths Founder
ph (02) 8007 3358