SmarterMaths ... Looking after our New Subscribers!
All senior VCE Maths teachers deserve a program that produces topic-specific, differentiated revision resources of the highest quality, super quick!
SmarterMaths is the program.
Our VCE Teacher Edition programs in Further Maths and Mathematical Methods save Victorian senior maths teachers hours of time every week.
If your maths department is considering a SmarterMaths subscription in 2019, our current special offer will help your school get more value for its hard fought budget.
Special Offer for New Subscribers
- Purchase in Term 4 and receive 5 terms for the price of 4 (your subscription lasts until the start of 2020).
- Choose to pay in 2018 or 2019 - whichever suits your budget.
- Past VCE results data, upon request, can be integrated into your program to highlight recommended revision based on past areas of weakness, at no extra cost.
To take a closer look, register for an (immediate) free trial here.
Thanks and regards,
Matt Burgess
SmarterMaths Founder
ph (02) 8007 3358