Important Points to note on this revision resource
- What do we mean by a "pure play" revision resource?
- A pure play revision worksheet tends to minimise past Met2 longer answer questions that range across a wide variety of topics - some of which may not have been covered immediately after a topic finishes. This allows a teacher wants to expose students to past VCE Methods questions earlier.
- What are some of the features of this revision resource?
- Students get statistics on The Big Picture of Applied Calculus and how important Tangents and Normals are on an exam-by-exam basis.
- A wide variety of multiple choice and Met1 questions are carefully chosen to expose students to a high quality revision set of past Methods exam questions over a range of difficulty levels.
- All questions are clearly labelled with "Calculator Allowed" or "Non-Calculator" icons for easy reference.
- High quality solutions are provided and past state mean marks and marker's comments are highlighted when students have found the question challenging.
- Remember that the SmarterMaths online VCE programs can add or remove any questions at a click to create a variation on this worksheet
Click the icon below to download the full worksheet: