Standard 2 and Mathematics HSC Analyses now available
"It’s really great getting access to all this information so quickly for these worksheets; much better than what I was trying to do by myself, and much faster too."
Michael Lynch, Dubbo Christian School
Just a quick update on the 2019 roll-out of added features for subscribers:
- We've completed the 2019 HSC Analyses for Standard 2 and Mathematics courses (Ext1 to be gradually added in the coming days).
- 2018 RAP data can now be easily integrated - spend less than 10 minutes to update this powerful analysis tool (details available here).
- Questions covering new content in the new syllabus courses are being cherry picked from high quality sources and added to our database. This will grow organically as more information becomes available.
The national roll-out of adaptive online testing, targeting 40% of schools in 2019 and 100% in 2020, has fast-tracked the following added features:
- 12+ Adaptive exams now available for Y7 and Y9 (full content and strand specific)
- Teacher diagnostics to quickly identify weaknesses from online testing results
- Simple 2-step process to set up your school for online testing
- Your 2019 NAPLAN subscription includes everything above at no extra cost
You can take a closer look at all these NAPLAN developments here.
Thanks and regards,
Matt Burgess
SmarterMaths Founder
ph (02) 8007 3358