“The NAPLAN program identifies our school weaknesses in a unique and powerful way. It saves our teachers hours, and we can now target areas where we have underperformed, with precision."
~ Dan Garner, Head Teacher, Kotara High School
As promised last week, our new powerful Past Results Analysis filter has been rolled out and will be available the next time you log in.
This is an extremely useful tool for any maths department that wants to effortlessly identify their school's past weaknesses and immediately action this analysis with carefully selected questions.
You can take a quick look at our video below to see exactly how this can work for you.
Now remember that any school subscription to our NAPLAN Teacher program now includes:
- Unlimited online access for all teachers to our high quality base that allows teachers to create worksheets by topic and by band level.
- Integration of your school's past aggregated NAPLAN results data that lets you target past areas of weakness efficiently and effectively.
- Access to our NAPLAN adaptive online testing for individual students.
Thank you for subscribing!