Compare the duration limitations of the ATP-PCr and Glycolytic energy systems. (4 marks)
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- ATP-PCr system is limited to 0-10 seconds maximum duration before phosphocreatine stores deplete, making it suitable only for explosive actions like vertical jumps or short sprints.
- Glycolytic system sustains high-intensity activity for 30-90 seconds before lactic acid accumulation causes fatigue, supporting activities like 400m sprints or intensive game sequences.
- ATP-PCr requires approximately 3 minutes for full recovery between maximal efforts, with 70% regeneration occurring in the first 30 seconds due to efficient phosphate resynthesis.
- Glycolytic system needs 5-8 minutes for complete recovery as lactate must be removed from muscles and blood pH restored, limiting repeated high-intensity efforts within this timeframe.
- Both systems have specific duration constraints affecting training design.
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- ATP-PCr system is limited to 0-10 seconds maximum duration before phosphocreatine stores deplete, making it suitable only for explosive actions like vertical jumps or short sprints.
- Glycolytic system sustains high-intensity activity for 30-90 seconds before lactic acid accumulation causes fatigue, supporting activities like 400m sprints or intensive game sequences.
- ATP-PCr requires approximately 3 minutes for full recovery between maximal efforts, with 70% regeneration occurring in the first 30 seconds due to efficient phosphate resynthesis.
- Glycolytic system needs 5-8 minutes for complete recovery as lactate must be removed from muscles and blood pH restored, limiting repeated high-intensity efforts within this timeframe.
- Both systems have specific duration constraints affecting training design.