Explain how the nervous system facilitates skill development in a learner progressing from the cognitive to autonomous stage of learning. (5 marks)
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During initial skill learning (cognitive stage):
- Extensive conscious processing occurs in the cerebral cortex
- Multiple areas of the brain are actively involved in movement planning
- Movements are often jerky and uncoordinated due to inefficient neural pathways
As learning progresses toward autonomy:
- Neural pathways become strengthened through myelination
- Movement patterns become stored in motor memory
- Less conscious attention is required as movements become automated
- More efficient recruitment of motor units occurs
- Smoother, more coordinated movements result from improved neural efficiency
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During initial skill learning (cognitive stage):
- Extensive conscious processing occurs in the cerebral cortex
- Multiple areas of the brain are actively involved in movement planning
- Movements are often jerky and uncoordinated due to inefficient neural pathways
As learning progresses toward autonomy:
- Neural pathways become strengthened through myelination
- Movement patterns become stored in motor memory
- Less conscious attention is required as movements become automated
- More efficient recruitment of motor units occurs
- Smoother, more coordinated movements result from improved neural efficiency