Complex Numbers, EXT2 N1 2016 HSC 4 MC
Complex Numbers, EXT2 N1 2012 HSC 3 MC
Complex Numbers, EXT2 N1 2014 HSC 8 MC
The Argand diagram shows the complex numbers `w`, `z` and `u`, where `w` lies in the first quadrant, `z` lies in the second quadrant and `u` lies on the negative real axis.
Which statement could be true?
- `u = zw` and `u = z + w`
- `u = zw` and `u = z − w`
- `z = uw` and `u = z + w`
- `z = uw` and `u = z − w`
Complex Numbers, EXT2 N1 2009 HSC 2c
The points `P` and `Q` on the Argand diagram represent the complex numbers `z` and `w` respectively.
Copy the diagram into your writing booklet, and mark on it the following points:
- the point `R` representing `iz.` (1 mark)
- the point `S` representing `bar w.` (1 mark)
- the point `T` representing `z + w.` (1 mark)
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