- For vector `underset~v`, show that `underset~v · underset~v = |underset~v|^2`. (1 mark)
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- In the trapezium `ABCD`, `BC` is parallel to `AD` and `|overset(->)(AC)| = |overset(->)(BD)|`.
- Let `underset~a = overset(->)(AB), underset~b = overset(->)(BC)` and `overset(->)(AD) = koverset(->)(BC)`, where `k > 0`.
- Using part (i), or otherwise, show `2underset~a · underset~b + (1-k)|underset~b|^2 = 0`. (3 marks)
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Vectors, EXT1 V1 EQ-Bank 6
Point `C` lies on `AB` such that `overset(->)(AC) = lambdaoverset(->)(AB)`.
- Express `underset~c` in terms of `underset~a` and `underset~b`. (2 marks)
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- Hence or otherwise, show that `overset(->)(BC) = (1-lambda)(underset~a-underset~b)`. (1 mark)
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Vectors, EXT1 V1 SM-Bank 10
In the quadrilateral `PQRS`, `T` lies on `SR` such that `ST : TR = 3 : 1`.
- Find `overset(->)(TS)` in terms of `underset~u`, `underset~v` and `underset~w`. (1 mark)
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- Hence, find `overset(->)(TP)` in terms of `underset~u`, `underset~v` and `underset~w`. (1 mark)
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