A market research study of shoppers showed that the buying preferences for the three olive oils, Carmani (`C`), Linelli (`L`) and Ohana (`O`), change from month to month according to the transition matrix `T` below.
`qquadqquadqquadqquad \ text(this month)`
`T = {:(qquad\ C quadquadqquad \ L quadquad \ O ),([(0.85,0.10, 0.05),(0.05,0.80,0.05),(0.10,0.10,0.90)]{:(C),(L),(O):} qquad text(next month)):}`
The initial state matrix `S_0` below shows the number of shoppers who bought each brand of olive oil in July 2021.
`S_0 = {:[(3200),(2000),(2800)]{:(C),(L),(O):} :}`
Let `S_n` represent the state matrix describing the number of shoppers buying each brand `n` months after July 2021.
- How many of these 8000 shoppers bought a different brand of olive oil in August 2021 from the brand bought in July 2021? (1 mark)
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- Using the rule `S_(n+1) = T xx S_(n)`, complete the matrix `S_1` below. (1 mark)
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`S_1 = {:[(3060),(text{_____}),(text{_____})]{:(C),(L),(O):} :}`
- Consider the shoppers who were expected to buy Carmani olive oil in August 2021.
- What percentage of these shoppers also bought Carmani olive oil in July 2021?
- Round your answer to the nearest percentage. (1 mark)
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- Write a calculation that shows Ohana olive oil is the brand bought by 50% of these shoppers in the long run. (1 mark)
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- Further research suggests more shoppers will buy olive oil in the coming months.
- A rule to model this situation is `R_(n+1) = T xx R_n + B`, where `R_n` represents the state matrix describing the number of shoppers `n` months after July 2021.
`qquadqquadqquadqquad \ text(this month)`
`T = {:(qquad\ C quadquadqquad \ L quadquad \ O ),([(0.85,0.10, 0.05),(0.05,0.80,0.05),(0.10,0.10,0.90)]{:(C),(L),(O):} ):} qquad text(next month) \ , \ B = {:[(200),(100),(k)]{:(C),(L),(O):} :}, \ R_0 = {:[(3200),(2000),(2800)]{:(C),(L),(O):} :}`
- `k` represents the extra number of shoppers expected to buy Ohana olive oil each month.
- If `R_2 = {:[(3333),(2025),(3642)]:}`, what is the value of `k`? (1 mark)
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