Let `A` and `B` be two independent events from a sample space.
If `text{Pr} (A) = p , \ text{Pr}(B) = p^2` and `text{Pr} (A) + text{Pr} (B) = 1`, then `text{Pr}(A′ ∪ B)` is equal to
- `1-p-p^2`
- `p^2-p^3`
- `p-p^3`
- `1-p + p^3`
- `1-p-p^2 + p^3`
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Let `A` and `B` be two independent events from a sample space.
If `text{Pr} (A) = p , \ text{Pr}(B) = p^2` and `text{Pr} (A) + text{Pr} (B) = 1`, then `text{Pr}(A′ ∪ B)` is equal to
`text{Pr} (A) = p , \ text{Pr}(B) = p^2, text{Pr} (A) + text{Pr} (B) = 1`
`text{Pr}(A ∩ B)` | `= p xx p^2 = p^3 \ \ (A, B\ text{are independent)}` |
`text{Pr}(A ∩ B′)` | `= p (1-p^2) = p-p^3` |
`text{Pr}(A′ ∪ B)` | `= 1-text{Pr} (A ∩ B′)` |
`= 1-p + p^3` |
`=> D`
`A` and `B` are events from a sample space such that `text(Pr)(A) = p`, where `p > 0, \ text(Pr)(B\ text{|}\ A) = m` and `text(Pr)(B\ text{|}\ A prime) = n`.
`A` and `B` are independent events when
`text(S) text(ince)\ A and B\ text(are independent),`
`text(Pr)(B\ text{|}\ A) = text(Pr)(B\ text{|}\ A prime)`
`:. m = n`
`=> A`
The sample space when a fair die is rolled is `{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}`, with each outcome being equally likely.
For which of the following pairs of events are the events independent?
`text(Let)\ \ A` | `= {1, 2}` |
`B` | `= {2, 4, 6}` |
`A nn B` | `= {2}` |
`text(Pr)(A)` | `= 1/3` |
`text(Pr)(B)` | `= 1/2` |
`text(Pr)(A nn B)` | `= 1/6` |
`text(S) text(ince)\ \ text(Pr) (A) xx text(Pr) (B)` | `= text(Pr)(A nn B)` |
`1/3 xx 1/2` | `= 1/6` |
`:. A, B\ \ text(are independent.)`
`=> E`
The sample space when a fair twelve-sided die is rolled is `{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12}`. Each outcome is equally likely.
For which one of the following pairs of events are the events independent?
`text(Consider option A:)`
`text(Let)\ \A = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11}`
`text(Let)\ \ B = {1, 4, 7, 10}`
`A nn B = {1, 7}`
`text(If independent events,)`
`text(Pr) (A nn B) = text(Pr) (A) xx text(Pr) (B)`
`text(Pr) (A) = 6/12=1/2`
`text(Pr) (B) = 4/12=1/3`
`text(Pr) (A nn B) = 2/12=1/6`
`:.\ text(Pr) (A nn B) = text(Pr) (A) xx text(Pr) (B)`
`:. A, B\ \ text(are independent)`
`=> A`
Events `A` and `B` are mutually exclusive events of a sample space with
`text(Pr) (A) = p and text(Pr) (B) = q\ \ text(where)\ \ 0 < p < 1 and 0 < q < 1.`
`text(Pr) (A prime nn B prime)` is equal to
For two events, `P` and `Q`, `text(Pr)(P ∩ Q) = text(Pr)(P′ ∩ Q)`.
`P` and `Q` will be independent events exactly when
`=> E`
Two events, `A` and `B`, from a given event space, are such that `text(Pr)(A) = 1/5` and `text(Pr)(B) = 1/3`. --- 5 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) --- --- 5 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
a. `text(Sketch Venn diagram:)` `text(Mutually exclusive means)\ \ text(Pr)(A ∩ B)=0,` `:. text(Pr)(A^{′} ∩ B) = 1/3`
MARKER’S COMMENTS: Students who drew a Venn diagram or Karnaugh map were the most successful.
`:. text(Pr)(A^{′} ∩ B)`
`=text(Pr)(B)-text(Pr)(A ∩B)`
Two events, `A` and `B`, are such that `text(Pr) (A) = 3/5` and `text(Pr) (B) = 1/4.` If `A^{′}` denotes the compliment of `A`, calculate `text(Pr) (A^{′} nn B)` when --- 5 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) --- --- 4 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
a. `text(Sketch Venn Diagram)` `:.\ text(Pr) (A^{′} nn B) = 1/4-1/10 = 3/20` `text(Pr) (A∩ B)=0\ \ text{(mutually exclusive)},` `:.\ text(Pr) (A^{′} nn B) = text(Pr) (B) = 1/4`
`text(Pr) (A uu B)`
`= text(Pr) (A) + text(Pr) (B)-text(Pr) (A nn B)`
`= 3/5 + 1/4-text(Pr) (A nn B)`
`text(Pr) (A nn B)`
`= 1/10`
For events `A` and `B,\ text(Pr)(A ∩ B) = p,\ text(Pr)(A′∩ B) = p - 1/8` and `text(Pr)(A ∩ B prime) = (3p)/5.`
If `A` and `B` are independent, then the value of `p` is
`text{Pr}(A)` | `= text{Pr}(A ∩ B) + text{Pr}(A ∩ B prime)` |
`= p + (3p)/5` | |
`= (8p)/5` |
`text{Pr}(B)` | `= text{Pr}(B ∩ A) + text{Pr}(B ∩ A prime)` |
`= p + p – 1/8` | |
`= 2p – 1/8` |
`text(S)text(ince)\ A and B\ text(are independent events,)`
`text{Pr}(A ∩ B)` | ` = text{Pr}(A) xx text{Pr}(B)` |
`p` | `=(8p)/5 (2p – 1/8)` |
`5p` | `=16p^2-p` |
`16p^2-6p` | `=0` |
`2p(8p-3)` | `=0` |
`:.p` | `=3/8,\ \ \ p!=0` |
`=> C`