A volleyball player performs a spike at the net. Describe the sequence of joint actions that occur at the shoulder and elbow during this movement. (3 marks)
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A volleyball player performs a spike at the net. Describe the sequence of joint actions that occur at the shoulder and elbow during this movement. (3 marks)
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Sample answer
Sample answer
Outline how the structure of ball and socket joints enables a greater range of movement than hinge joints. Support your response with examples. (3 marks)
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Sample answer
Sample answer
Analyse how the coordination of joint actions at the hip, knee and ankle contributes to the generation of power in a vertical jump. Use biomechanical principles in your response. (3 marks)
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Sample Answer
Vertical jump
Sample Answer
Vertical jump
Outline the joint actions that occur at the knee and ankle when performing a squat. (3 marks)
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Sample Answer
Downward phase
Upward phase
Joint actions
Sample Answer
Downward phase
Upward phase
Joint actions
Which sequence correctly describes the quadriceps muscle action and knee joint movement when performing a squat?
\rule{0pt}{2.5ex} \ \rule[-1ex]{0pt}{0pt}& \\
\rule{0pt}{2.5ex}\textbf{Descent Phase}\rule[-1ex]{0pt}{0pt}& \textbf{Bottom Position}& \textbf{Ascent Phase} \\
\rule{0pt}{2.5ex}\text{Eccentric}\rule[-1ex]{0pt}{0pt}&\text{Isometric }&\text{Concentric}\\
\rule{0pt}{2.5ex}\text{Concentric}\rule[-1ex]{0pt}{0pt}& \text{Isometric concentric}&\text{Eccentric}\\
\rule{0pt}{2.5ex}\text{Isometric}\rule[-1ex]{0pt}{0pt}& \text{Eccentric}&\text{Concentric} \\
\rule{0pt}{2.5ex}\text{Concentric}\rule[-1ex]{0pt}{0pt}& \text{Eccentric}&\text{Isometric} \\
During a squat, the quadriceps undergoes three distinct phases of contraction:
Descent phase:
Bottom position:
Ascent phase:
This sequence enables controlled movement throughout the entire squat pattern while managing forces at each phase.
\(\Rightarrow A\)
Which type of muscular contraction is occurring in the quadriceps when descending into a squat?
During the descent phase of a squat
\(\Rightarrow B\)
Which row correctly identifies the action of performing a bicep curl?
\rule{0pt}{2.5ex} \ \rule[-1ex]{0pt}{0pt}& \\
\rule{0pt}{2.5ex}\textbf{Agonist Muscle}\rule[-1ex]{0pt}{0pt}& \textbf{Muscular Contraction}& \textbf{Joint Action} \\
\rule{0pt}{2.5ex}\text{Biceps brachii}\rule[-1ex]{0pt}{0pt}&\text{Isometric eccentric}&\text{Elbow extension}\\
\rule{0pt}{2.5ex}\text{Biceps brachii}\rule[-1ex]{0pt}{0pt}& \text{Isometric concentric}&\text{Elbow flexion}\\
\rule{0pt}{2.5ex}\text{Triceps brachii}\rule[-1ex]{0pt}{0pt}& \text{Isometric concentric}&\text{Elbow flexion} \\
\rule{0pt}{2.5ex}\text{Triceps brachii}\rule[-1ex]{0pt}{0pt}& \text{Isometric eccentric}&\text{Elbow extension} \\
During the upward (concentric) phase of a bicep curl:
\(\Rightarrow B\)