Statistics, STD2 S1 2005 HSC 24a
- Draw a stem-and-leaf plot for the following set of scores.
`21\ \ \ 45\ \ \ 29\ \ \ 27\ \ \ 19\ \ \ 35\ \ \ 23\ \ \ 58\ \ \ 34\ \ \ 27` (2 marks)
--- 6 WORK AREA LINES (style=blank) ---
- What is the median of the set of scores? (1 mark)
--- 2 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
- Comment on the skewness of the set of scores. (1 mark)
--- 2 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
Statistics, STD2 S1 2006 HSC 4 MC
Statistics, STD2 S1 2008 HSC 3 MC
Statistics, STD2 S1 2013 HSC 26f
Jason travels to work by car on all five days of his working week, leaving home at 7 am each day. He compares his travel times using roads without tolls and roads with tolls over a period of 12 working weeks.
He records his travel times (in minutes) in a back-to-back stem-and-leaf plot.
- What is the modal travel time when he uses roads without tolls? (1 mark)
--- 1 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
- What is the median travel time when he uses roads without tolls? (1 mark)
--- 1 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
- Describe how the two data sets differ in terms of the spread and skewness of their distributions. (2 marks)
--- 5 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---