To avoid overloading a cellular network, a logic gate is used to control the activation of a signal booster.
The signal booster will only activate when both of the following conditions are met:
- the signal strength falls below an acceptable level
- the network traffic flow falls below an acceptable level.
Complete a truth table for this scenario and identify a suitable logic gate. (3 marks)
--- 0 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
Truth table:
\rule{0pt}{2.5ex} \quad \textit{Acceptable signal} \quad & \quad \textit{Acceptable traffic} \quad & \quad \textit{Activate booster} \quad \\
\textit{strength} \rule[-2ex]{0pt}{0pt} & \textit{flow} & \\
\rule{0pt}{2.5ex} \rule[-2ex]{0pt}{0pt} & & \\
\rule{0pt}{2.5ex} \rule[-2ex]{0pt}{0pt} & & \\
\rule{0pt}{2.5ex} \rule[-2ex]{0pt}{0pt} & & \\
\rule{0pt}{2.5ex} \rule[-2ex]{0pt}{0pt} & & \\
Logic gate: ....................