At the Zenith Post Office all computer systems are to be upgraded.
This project involves 10 activities, `A` to `J`.
The directed network below shows these activities and their completion times, in hours.
- Determine the earliest starting time, in hours, for activity `I`. (1 mark)
--- 2 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
- The minimum completion time for the project is 15 hours.
Write down the critical path. (1 mark)
--- 1 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
- Two of the activities have a float time of two hours.
Write down these two activities. (1 mark)
--- 3 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
- For the next upgrade, the same project will be repeated but one extra activity will be added.
This activity has a duration of one hour, an earliest starting time of five hours and a latest starting time of 12 hours.Complete the following sentence by filling in the boxes provided. (1 mark)
--- 3 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
The extra activity could be represented on the network above by a directed edge from the
end of activity |
to the start of activity |