The table shows the types of customer complaints received by an online business in a month.
Measurement, STD2 M7 2022 HSC 4 MC
Lily wanted to estimate the number of fish in a lake.
She randomly captured 30 fish, then tagged and released them.
One week later she randomly captured 40 fish from the same lake. She found that 12 of these 40 fish were tagged.
What is the best estimate for the total number of fish in the lake?
- 58
- 70
- 82
- 100
Algebra, STD2 A2 2022 HSC 2 MC
Which of the following could be the graph of `y= –2 x+2`?
Statistics, STD2 S1 2022 HSC 1 MC
Which graph represents a negatively skewed distribution?
PHYSICS, M7 2019 HSC 25
The diagram shows a model of electromagnetic waves.
Relate this model to predictions made by Maxwell. (4 marks)
--- 8 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
PHYSICS, M6 2019 HSC 24
A step-up transformer is constructed using a solid iron core. The coils are made using copper wires of different thicknesses as shown.
The table shows electrical data for this transformer.
- Explain how the operation of this transformer remains consistent with the law of conservation of energy. Include a relevant calculation in your answer. (3 marks)
--- 6 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
- Explain how TWO modifications to this transformer would improve its efficiency. (4 marks)
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PHYSICS, M5 2019 HSC 20 MC
In the apparatus shown, a backboard is connected by a rod to a shaft. The shaft is spun by an electric motor causing the backboard to rotate in the horizontal plane around the axis X `–` X′.
A cube is suspended by a string so that it touches the surface of the backboard.
When the angular velocity of the motor is great enough, the string is cut and the position of the cube does not change relative to the backboard.
Which statement correctly describes the forces after the string is cut?
- The sum of the forces on the cube is zero.
- The horizontal force of the backboard on the cube is equal in magnitude to the horizontal force of the cube on the backboard.
- The horizontal force of the backboard on the cube is greater than the horizontal force of the cube on the backboard, resulting in a net centripetal force.
- The force of friction between the cube and the backboard is independent of the force of the backboard on the cube because these forces are perpendicular to each other.
PHYSICS, M8 2019 HSC 19 MC
Consider the following nuclear reaction.
\(\text{W} + \text{X} \rightarrow \text{Y} + \text{Z}\)
Information about W, X and Y is given in the table.
\rule{0pt}{2.5ex}\textit{Species} & \textit{Mass defect} & \textit{Total binding energy} & \textit{Binding energy per nucleon}\\
\textit{} & \textit{(u)} \rule[-1ex]{0pt}{0pt}& \text{(MeV)} & \text{(MeV)}\\
\hline \rule{0pt}{2.5ex}\text{W} \rule[-1ex]{0pt}{0pt}& 0.00238817 & 2.224566 & 1.112283 \\
\hline \rule{0pt}{2.5ex}\text{X} \rule[-1ex]{0pt}{0pt}& 0.00910558 & 8.481798 & 2.827266 \\
\hline \rule{0pt}{2.5ex}\text{Y }\rule[-1ex]{0pt}{0pt}& 0.03037664 & 28.29566 & 7.073915 \\
Which of the following is a correct statement about energy in this reaction?
- The reaction gives out energy because the mass defect of Y is greater than that of either W or X.
- It cannot be deduced whether the reaction releases energy because the properties of Z are not known.
- The reaction requires an input of energy because the mass defect of the products is greater than the sum of the mass defects of the reactants.
- Energy is released by the reaction because the binding energy of the products is greater than the sum of the binding energies of the reactants.
PHYSICS, M6 2019 HSC 17 MC
A straight current-carrying conductor, `QR`, is connected to a battery and a variable resistor. `QR` is enclosed in an evacuated chamber with a fluorescent screen at one end.
A cathode ray enters the chamber directly above `Q`, initially travelling parallel to `QR`. It passes through the chamber and strikes the fluorescent screen causing a bright spot.
Which direction will this spot move towards if the resistance is increased?
- `W`
- `X`
- `Y`
- `Z`
PHYSICS, M6 2019 HSC 16 MC
The diagram shows the trajectory of a particle with charge `q` and mass `m` when fired horizontally into a vacuum chamber, where it falls under the influence of gravity.
The horizontal distance, `d`, travelled by the particle is recorded.
The experiment is repeated with a uniform vertical electric field applied such that the particle travels the same horizontal distance, `d`, but strikes the upper surface of the chamber.
What is the magnitude of the electric field?
- `mgq`
- `2mgq`
- `(mg)/q`
- `(2mg)/q`
PHYSICS, M5 2019 HSC 14 MC
A satellite in circular orbit at a distance `r` from the centre of Earth has an orbital velocity `v`.
If the distance was increased to `2r`, what would be the satellite's orbital velocity?
- `(v)/2`
- `0.7v`
- `1.4v`
- `2v`
PHYSICS, M7 2019 HSC 13 MC
A laser has a power output of 30 mW and emits light with a wavelength of 650 nm.
How many photons does this laser emit per second?
- `4.6 × 10^(14)`
- `9.8 × 10^(16)`
- `3.1 × 10^(19)`
- `9.3 × 10^(21)`
PHYSICS, M8 2019 HSC 12 MC
The table shows two types of quarks and their respective charges.
In a particular nuclear transformation, a particle having a quark composition `udd` is transformed into a particle having a quark composition `u ud`.
What is another product of this transformation?
- Electron
- Neutron
- Positron
- Proton
Two satellites have the same mass. One (LEO) is in low-Earth orbit and the other (GEO) is in a geostationary orbit.
The total energy of a satellite is half its gravitational potential energy.
Which row of the table correctly identifies the satellite with the greater orbital period and the satellite with the greater total energy?
\rule{0pt}{2.5ex} \ \rule[-1ex]{0pt}{0pt}& \\
\rule{0pt}{2.5ex}\textit{Greater orbital period}\rule[-1ex]{0pt}{0pt}& \textit{Greater total energy} \\
\rule{0pt}{2.5ex}\text{LEO}\rule[-1ex]{0pt}{0pt}& \text{GEO}\\
\rule{0pt}{2.5ex}\text{GEO}\rule[-1ex]{0pt}{0pt}& \text{LEO} \\
\rule{0pt}{2.5ex}\text{GEO}\rule[-1ex]{0pt}{0pt}& \text{GEO} \\
A bar magnet is moved away from a stationary coil.
Which diagram correctly shows the direction of the induced current in the coil and the resulting magnetic polarity of the coil?
PHYSICS, M6 2020 HSC 32
A rope connects a mass on a horizontal surface to a pulley attached to an electric motor as shown.
Explain the factors that limit the speed at which the mass can be pulled along the horizontal surface. Use mathematical models to support your answer. (7 marks)
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PHYSICS, M5 2020 HSC 31
- The orbit of a comet is shown.
- Account for the changes in velocity of the comet as it completes one orbit from position `P`. (3 marks)
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- Two stars, `A` and `B`, of equal mass `m`, separated by a distance `x`, interact gravitationally such that the speed of `A` is constant.
- Derive an expression for the speed of `B`. (3 marks)
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PHYSICS, M7 2020 HSC 30b
- Calculate the wavelength of a proton travelling at 0.1\(c\). (2 marks)
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- Explain the relativistic effect on the wavelength of a proton travelling at 0.95\(c\). (2 marks)
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PHYSICS, M8 2020 HSC 30a
Explain, using an example, how a particle accelerator has provided evidence for the Standard Model of matter. (3 marks)
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PHYSICS, M8 2021 HSC 35
A spacecraft is powered by a radioisotope generator. Pu-238 in the generator undergoes alpha decay, releasing energy. The decay is shown with the mass of each species in atomic mass units, `u`
\begin{array} {ccccc}
\ce{^{238}Pu} & \rightarrow & \ce{^{234}U} & + & \alpha \\
238.0495\ u & & 234.0409\ u & & 4.0026\ u \end{array}
- Show that the energy released by one decay is `9.0 × 10^(-13)` J. (3 marks)
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- At launch, the generator contains `9.0 × 10^24` atoms of Pu-238. The half-life of Pu-238 is 87.7 years.
- Calculate the total energy produced by the generator during the first ten years after launch. (3 marks)
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BIOLOGY, M5 2021 HSC 12 MC
The graph shows the levels of three hormones, oestrogen, progesterone and human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG), measured in the blood of a woman during her pregnancy.
Which statement can be inferred from the graph?
- Birth occurred about week 36.
- Fertilisation occurred at day 0.
- Implantation occurred about week 4.
- The placenta was formed about week 24.
A quantity of silver nitrate is added to 250.0 mL of 0.100 mol L ¯1 potassium sulfate at 298 K in order to produce a precipitate. Silver nitrate has a molar mass of 169.9 g mol ¯1.
What mass of silver nitrate will cause precipitation to start?
- 0.00510 g
- 0.186 g
- 0.465 g
- 0.854 g
A sample was contaminated with sodium phosphate. The sample was dissolved in water and added to an excess of acidified \(\ce{(NH_4)_2MoO_4}\) to produce a precipitate of \(\ce{(NH_4)_3PO_4.12MoO_3\ \ \ \ \ \ ($MM$ = 1877 g mol^{-1})} \).
If 24.21 g of dry \(\ce{(NH_4)_3PO_4.12MoO_3}\) was obtained, what was the mass of sodium phosphate in the original sample?
- 1.225 g
- 1.521 g
- 1.818 g
- 2.115 g
What is the pH of the resultant solution after 20.0 mL of 0.20 mol `text{L}^{-1}\ text{HCl} (aq)` is mixed with 20.0 mL of 0.50 mol `text{L}^{-1}\ text{NaOH} (aq)`?
- 11.8
- 13.2
- 13.5
- 14.0
A sample of nickel was dissolved in nitric acid to produce a solution with a volume of 50.00 mL. 10.00 mL of this solution was then diluted to 250.0 mL. This solution was subjected to colorimetric analysis. A calibration curve for this analysis is given.
The solution gave an absorbance value of 0.30.
What was the mass of the sample of nickel?
- 0.0021 g
- 0.031 g
- 0.053 g
- 0.15 g
PHYSICS, M6 2020 HSC 28
A metal rod sits on a pair of parallel metal rails, 20 cm apart, that are connected by a copper wire. The rails are at 30° to the horizontal.
The apparatus is in a uniform magnetic field of 1 T which is upward, perpendicular to the table.
A force, `F`, is applied parallel to the rails to move the rod at a constant speed along the rails. The rod is moved a distance of 30 cm in 2.5 s.
- Show that the change in magnetic flux through the circuit while the rod is moving is approximately `5.2 × 10^(-2)` Wb. (2 marks)
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- Calculate the emf induced between the ends of the rod while it is moving, and state the direction of flow of the current in the circuit. (2 marks)
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- The experiment is repeated without the magnetic field.
- Explain why the force required to move the rod is different without the magnetic field. (3 marks)
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PHYSICS, M7 2020 HSC 27
The following apparatus is used to investigate light interference using a double slit.
The distance, `y`, from the slits to the screen can be varied. The adjustment screws `(S)` vary the distance, `d`, between the slits. The wavelength of the laser light can be varied across the visible spectrum. The diffraction pattern shown is for a specific wavelength of light.
Explain TWO methods of keeping the distance between the maxima at `A` and `B` constant when the wavelength of the laser light is reduced. (4 marks)
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PHYSICS, M7 2020 HSC 26
- Describe the difference between the spectra of the light produced by a gas discharge tube and by an incandescent lamp. (2 marks)
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- The graph shows the curves predicted by two different models, `X` and `Y`, for the electromagnetic radiation emitted by an object at a temperature of 5000 K.
Identify an assumption of EACH model which determines the shape of its curve. (2 marks)
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- The diagram shows the radiation curve for a black body radiator at a temperature of 5000 K.
On the same diagram, sketch a curve for a black body radiator at a temperature of 4000 K and explain the differences between the curves. (4 marks)
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PHYSICS, M8 2020 HSC 25
Describe the hydrogen atom in terms of the Standard Model of matter. (4 marks)
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PHYSICS, M7 2020 HSC 22
A capsule travelling at 12 900 m s ¯1 enters Earth's atmosphere, causing it to rapidly slow down to 400 m s ¯1.
- During this re-entry, the capsule reaches a temperature of 3200 K.
- What is the peak wavelength of the light emitted by the capsule? (2 marks)
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- Outline TWO limitations of applying special relativity to the analysis of the motion of the capsule. (3 marks)
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PHYSICS, M5 2020 HSC 20 MC
The diagram shows a smooth, semi-circular, vertical wall with radius, `r`.
A ball is launched from the position shown with a velocity `u` towards north at an angle to the horizontal.
The ball follows a trajectory around the wall before landing on the ground, opposite its starting point. It does not reach the top of the wall.
Assume that there is no friction between the ball and the wall.
Which statement correctly describes the net force acting on the ball during its motion?
- The magnitude of the net force remains constant.
- The direction of the net force is vertically downwards.
- The direction of the net force is perpendicular to the wall.
- The magnitude of the net force reaches a minimum when the ball is at its highest point.
PHYSICS, M6 2020 HSC 14 MC
Two parallel wires, `X` and `Y`, each carry a current `I`.
The magnitude and direction of the force on wire `Y` are represented by the vector `F`.
The current in wire `Y` is then doubled and its direction is reversed. The current in wire `X` remains unchanged.
Which vector arrow represents the force on wire `X` after the change to the current in wire `Y`?
PHYSICS, M7 2020 HSC 13 MC
The graph shows the relationship between the frequency of light used to irradiate two different metals, and the maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons emitted.
Suppose that light having a frequency of `8 × 10^(14)` Hz is used to irradiate both metals.
Compared to the photoelectrons emitted from metal `X`, photoelectrons emitted from metal `Y` will
- have a lower maximum velocity.
- have a higher maximum velocity.
- take a longer time to gain sufficient energy to be ejected.
- take a shorter time to gain sufficient energy to be ejected.
PHYSICS, M6 2020 HSC 10 MC
An electron travelling in a straight line with an initial velocity, `u`, enters a region between two charged plates in which there is an electric field causing it to travel along the path as shown.
A magnetic field is then applied causing a second electron with the same initial velocity to pass through undeflected.
Which row of the table shows the directions of the electric and magnetic fields when the second electron enters the region between the plates?
\rule{0pt}{2.5ex} \ \rule[-1ex]{0pt}{0pt}& \\
\rule{0pt}{2.5ex}\quad \quad \textit{Electric Field}\quad \rule[-1ex]{0pt}{0pt}& \quad \textit{Magnetic Field} \quad \\
\rule{0pt}{2.5ex}\text{Towards top of page}\rule[-1ex]{0pt}{0pt}&\text{Into page}\\
\rule{0pt}{2.5ex}\text{Towards top of page}\rule[-1ex]{0pt}{0pt}& \text{Out of page}\\
\rule{0pt}{2.5ex}\text{Towards bottom of page}\rule[-1ex]{0pt}{0pt}& \text{Into page} \\
\rule{0pt}{2.5ex}\text{Towards bottom of page}\rule[-1ex]{0pt}{0pt}& \text{Out of page} \\
The Hertzsprung-Russell diagram shows characteristics of stars in a globular cluster 100 light years in diameter and 27 000 light years from Earth.
The stars plotted on this Hertzsprung-Russell diagram have approximately the same
- age.
- colour.
- luminosity.
- mass.
PHYSICS, M7 2021 HSC 33
Two experiments are performed with identical light sources having a wavelength of 400 nm.
In experiment \(A\), the light is incident on a pair of narrow slits \(5.0 \times 10^{-5}\) m apart, producing a pattern on a screen located 3.0 m behind the slits.
In experiment \(B\), the light is incident on different metal samples inside an evacuated tube as shown. The kinetic energy of any emitted photoelectrons can be measured.
Some results from experiment \(B\) are shown.
\rule{0pt}{1.5ex}\textit{Metal sample}\rule[-0.5ex]{0pt}{0pt}& \textit{Work function} \ \text{(J)} & \textit{Photoelectrons observed?} \\
\rule{0pt}{2.5ex}\text{Nickel}\rule[-1ex]{0pt}{0pt}&8.25 \times 10^{-19}&\text{No}\\
\rule{0pt}{2.5ex}\text{Calcium}\rule[-1ex]{0pt}{0pt}& 4.60 \times 10^{-19}&\text{Yes}\\
How do the results from Experiment \(A\) and Experiment \(B\) support TWO different models of light? In your answer, include a quantitative analysis of each experiment. (9 marks)
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PHYSICS, M8 2021 HSC 32
Two students perform an investigation with a piece of elastic laid out straight on a table. The elastic is fixed at one end and has three markings at regular intervals. The distances from each marking to the fixed end, `d_1, d_2` and `d_3`, are measured as shown.
A student pulls the elastic to extend it, and the new values of `d_1, d_2` and `d_3` are measured. The student observes that each value has doubled.
How well do the observations from this investigation model the evidence that led to Hubble's discovery of the expansion of the universe? Justify your answer. (5 marks)
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PHYSICS, M6 2021 HSC 31
Two identical solenoids are mounted on carts as shown. Each solenoid is connected to a galvanometer, and the solenoid on cart 1 is also connected to an open switch and a battery. The total mass of cart 1 is twice that of cart 2.
Explain what would be observed when the switch on cart 1 is closed. In your answer, refer to the current in each galvanometer and the initial movement of the carts. (7 marks)
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PHYSICS, M8 2021 HSC 29
Bohr, de Broglie and Schrödinger EACH proposed a model for the structure of the atom.
How does the nature of the electron proposed in each of the three models differ? (5 marks)
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PHYSICS, M7 2021 HSC 28
A spaceship travels to a distant star at a constant speed, `v`. When it arrives, 15 years have passed on Earth but 9.4 years have passed for an astronaut on the spaceship.
- What is the distance to the star as measured by an observer on Earth? (3 marks)
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- Outline how special relativity imposes a limitation on the maximum velocity of the spaceship. (2 marks)
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PHYSICS, M8 2021 HSC 19 MC
Rh-106 is a metallic, beta-emitting radioisotope with a half-life of 30 seconds.
A sample of Rh-106 and an electrode are placed inside an evacuated chamber. They are connected to a galvanometer and a variable DC power supply.
A student measures the current, `I`, when the power supply is set to zero. They then measure the stopping voltage, `V_s`. The stopping voltage is the minimum voltage needed to prevent current flowing.
A few minutes later, these measurements are repeated.
How do the TWO sets of measurements compare?
- Only `I` changes.
- Only `V_s` changes.
- Both `I` and `V_s` change.
- Neither `I` nor `V_s` changes.
PHYSICS, M6 2021 HSC 18 MC
An evacuated chamber contains a pair of parallel plates connected to a power supply and a switch which is initially closed.
A positively charged mass (•) falls within the chamber, under the influence of gravity, from the position shown.
When the mass has fallen half the height of the chamber, the switch is opened.
Which of the following correctly shows the trajectory of the mass?
PHYSICS, M6 2021 HSC 17 MC
Two long, parallel conductors `X` and `Y` are connected to a light bulb and an AC power supply. The conductors are suspended horizontally from fixed points using sensitive spring balances. `X` is positioned directly below `Y`.
Which statement correctly compares the forces measured by the spring balances?
- The forces measured on `X` and `Y` will always be equal.
- The force measured on `Y` will be greater than or equal to that on `X`.
- The force measured on `X` will be greater than or equal to that on `Y`.
- There will be a continuous reversal of which measured force is greater.
PHYSICS, M7 2021 HSC 15 MC
Unpolarised light is incident upon two consecutive polarisers as shown. The second polariser has a fixed transmission axis which cannot be rotated. `I_1` is the intensity of light after the first polariser, and `I_2` is the intensity of light after the second polariser.
How would `I_1` and `I_2` be affected if the transmission axis of the first polariser was rotated?
- Both would change.
- Only `I_1` would change.
- Only `I_2` would change.
- Neither would change.
PHYSICS, M6 2021 HSC 12 MC
Which graph shows the magnitude of back emf induced in a DC motor rotating continuously at different angular velocities?
A mass, `M`, is positioned at an equal distance from two identical stars as shown.
The mass is then moved to position `X`.
Which graph best represents the gravitational potential energy, `U`, of the mass during this movement?
In a certain ideal transformer, the current in the secondary coil is four times as large as the current in the primary coil.
Which row of the table correctly identifies the type of transformer and the ratio of turns?
\rule{0pt}{0.5ex}\textit{} & \textit{} \\
\textit{}\rule[-0.5ex]{0pt}{0pt}& \textit{} \\
\rule{0pt}{0.5ex} \quad \textit{Type of} & \textit{Ratio of turns in primary coil} \\
\textit{transformer}\rule[-0.5ex]{0pt}{0pt}& \textit{to turns in secondary coil} \\
\rule{0pt}{2.5ex}\text{Step up}\rule[-1ex]{0pt}{0pt}&4:1\\
\rule{0pt}{2.5ex}\text{Step up}\rule[-1ex]{0pt}{0pt}& 1:4\\
\rule{0pt}{2.5ex}\text{Step down}\rule[-1ex]{0pt}{0pt}& 4:1 \\
\rule{0pt}{2.5ex}\text{Step down}\rule[-1ex]{0pt}{0pt}& 1:4 \\
PHYSICS, M7 2021 HSC 16 MC
The Sun has an energy output of `3.85 × 10^{28}\ `W.
By how much does the Sun's mass decrease each minute?
- `4.28 × 10^{11}` kg
- `2.57 × 10^{13}` kg
- `1.28 × 10^{20}` kg
- `7.70 × 10^{21}` kg
A positively charged particle is moving at velocity, `v`, in an electric field as shown.
What is the direction of the force acting on the particle due to the electric field?
- Into the page
- Out of the page
- Up the page
- Down the page
A student used the following method to titrate an acetic acid solution of unknown concentration with a standardised solution of dilute sodium hydroxide.
- Rinse burette with deionised water.
- Fill burette with sodium hydroxide solution.
- Rinse pipette and conical flask with acetic acid solution.
- Pipette 25.00 mL of acetic acid solution into conical flask.
- Add appropriate indicator to the conical flask.
- Titrate to endpoint and record volume of sodium hydroxide solution used.
Compared to the actual concentration of the acetic acid, the calculated concentration will be
- lower.
- higher.
- the same.
- different, but higher or lower cannot be predicted.
Streptomycin is an antibiotic that kills bacteria by interfering with the function of their ribosomes.
The primary effect of the antibiotic is that it prevents the bacteria from producing
- tRNA.
- mRNA.
- amino acids.
- polypeptides.
A mutation involving a DNA deletion is illustrated.
Which statement about the mutation is correct?
- It will have an effect on many genes.
- It will have an effect on only one codon.
- It may be the result of an error during translation.
- It may be the result of an error during transcription.
Glucose levels are maintained by the hormones insulin and glucagon.
Which statement best describes the changes in hormone levels of a healthy human soon after a high glucose meal?
- Insulin levels fall and glucagon levels rise.
- Insulin levels fall and glucagon levels fall.
- Insulin levels rise and glucagon levels fall.
- Insulin levels rise and glucagon levels rise.
Calculus, MET2 2020 VCAA 5
Let `f: R to R, \ f(x)=x^{3}-x`.
Let `g_{a}: R to R` be the function representing the tangent to the graph of `f` at `x=a`, where `a in R`.
Let `(b, 0)` be the `x`-intercept of the graph of `g_{a}`.
- Show that `b= {2a^{3}}/{3 a^{2}-1}`. (3 marks)
--- 7 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
- State the values of `a` for which `b` does not exist. (1 mark)
--- 2 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
- State the nature of the graph of `g_a` when `b` does not exist. (1 mark)
--- 2 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
- i. State all values of `a` for which `b=1.1`. Give your answer correct to four decimal places. (1 mark)
--- 2 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
- ii. The graph of `f` has an `x`-intercept at (1, 0).
- State the values of `a` for which `1 <= b <= 1.1`.
- Give your answers correct to three decimal places. (1 mark)
--- 2 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
The coordinate `(b, 0)` is the horizontal axis intercept of `g_a`.
Let `g_b` be the function representing the tangent to the graph of `f` at `x=b`, as shown in the graph below.
- Find the values of `a` for which the graphs of `g_a` and `g_b`, where `b` exists, are parallel and where `b!=a`. (3 marks)
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Let `p:R rarr R, \ p(x)=x^(3)+wx`, where `w in R`.
- Show that `p(-x)=-p(x)` for all `w in R`. (1 mark)
--- 3 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
A property of the graphs of `p` is that two distinct parallel tangents will always occur at `(t, p(t))` and `(-t,p(-t))` for all `t!=0`.
- Find all values of `w` such that a tangent to the graph of `p` at `(t, p(t))`, for some `t > 0`, will have an `x`-intercept at `(-t, 0)`. (1 mark)
--- 6 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
- Let `T:R^(2)rarrR^(2),T([[x],[y]])=[[m,0],[0,n]][[x],[y]]+[[h],[k]]`, where `m,n in R text(\{0})` and `h,k in R`.
State any restrictions on the values of `m`, `n`, `h`, and `k`, given that the image of `p` under the transformation `T` always has the property that parallel tangents occur at `x = -t` and `x = t` for all `t!=0`. (1 mark)
--- 2 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
Calculus, MET2 2020 VCAA 4
The graph of the function `f(x)=2xe^((1-x^(2)))`, where `0 <= x <= 3`, is shown below.
- Find the slope of the tangent to `f` at `x=1`. (1 mark)
--- 2 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
- Find the obtuse angle that the tangent to `f` at `x = 1` makes with the positive direction of the horizontal axis. Give your answer correct to the nearest degree. (1 mark)
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- Find the slope of the tangent to `f` at a point `x =p`. Give your answer in terms of `p`. (1 mark)
--- 2 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
- i. Find the value of `p` for which the tangent to `f` at `x=1` and the tangent to `f` at `x=p` are perpendicular to each other. Give your answer correct to three decimal places. (2 marks)
--- 3 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
- ii. Hence, find the coordinates of the point where the tangents to the graph of `f` at `x=1` and `x=p` intersect when they are perpendicular. Give your answer correct to two decimal places. (3 marks)
--- 5 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
Two line segments connect the points `(0, f(0))` and `(3, f(3))` to a single point `Q(n, f(n))`, where `1 < n < 3`, as shown in the graph below.
- i. The first line segment connects the point `(0, f(0))` and the point `Q(n, f(n))`, where `1 < n < 3`.
- Find the equation of this line segment in terms of `n`. (1 mark)
--- 3 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
- ii. The second line segment connects the point `Q(n, f(n))` and the point `(3, f(3))`, where `1 < n < 3`.
- Find the equation of this line segment in terms of `n`. (1 mark)
--- 5 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
- iii. Find the value of `n`, where `1 < n < 3`, if there are equal areas between the function `f` and each line segment.
- Give your answer correct to three decimal places. (3 marks)
--- 3 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
The Sunny Coast cricket clubroom is undergoing a major works project.
This project involves nine activities: `A` to `I`.
The table below shows the earliest start time (EST) and duration, in months, for each activity.
The immediate predecessor(s) is also shown.
The duration for activity `C` is missing.
The information in the table above can be used to complete a directed network.
This network will require a dummy activity.
- Complete the following sentence by filling in the boxes provided. (1 mark)
This dummy activity could be drawn as a directed edge from the end of activity to the start of activity--- 0 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
- What is the duration, in months, of activity `C`? (1 mark)
--- 5 WORK AREA LINES (style=blank) ---
--- 2 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
- Name the four activities that have a float time. (1 mark)
--- 4 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
- The project is to be crashed by reducing the completion time of one activity only.
What is the minimum time, in months, that the project can be completed in? (1 mark)
--- 3 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
Statistics, MET2 2020 VCAA 3
A transport company has detailed records of all its deliveries. The number of minutes a delivery is made before or after its schedule delivery time can be modelled as a normally distributed random variable, `T`, with a mean of zero and a standard deviation of four minutes. A graph of the probability distribution of `T` is shown below. --- 3 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) --- --- 3 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) --- --- 5 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) --- A rival transport company claims that there is a 0.85 probability that each delivery it makes will arrive on time or earlier. Assume that whether each delivery is on time or earlier is independent of other deliveries. --- 3 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) --- --- 3 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) --- --- 3 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) --- --- 5 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
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