Khaleda manufacturers the face cream in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Dhaka is located at latitude 24° N and longitude 90° E.
Assume that the radius of Earth is 6400 km.
- Write a calculation that shows that the radius of the small circle of Earth at latitude 24° N is 5847 km, rounded to the nearest kilometre. (1 mark)
Khaleda receives an order from Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (24° N, 54° E).
- Find the shortest small circle distance between Dhaka and Abu Dhabi.
- Round your answer to the nearest kilometre. (1 mark)
Khaleda sends the order by plane from Dhaka (24° N, 90° E) to Abu Dhabi (24° N, 54° E).
The flight departs Dhaka at 1.00 pm and arrives in Abu Dhabi 11 hours later.
The time difference between Dhaka and Abu Dhabi is two hours.
- What time did the flight arrive in Abu Dhabi? (1 mark)
A helicopter takes the order from the airport to the customer's hotel.
The hotel is 27 km south and 109 km east of the airport.
- Show that the bearing of the hotel from the airport is 104°, correct to the nearest degree. (1 mark)
- After the delivery to the hotel, the helicopter returns to its hangar.
- The hangar is located due south of the airport.
- The helicopter flies directly from the hotel to the hangar on a bearing of 282° .
- How far south of the airport is the hangar?
- Round your answer to the nearest kilometre. (1 mark)