Plane Geometry, EXT1 2018 HSC 14c
In triangle `ABC, BC` is perpendicular to `AC`. Side `BC` has length `a`, side `AC` has length `b` and side `AB` has length `c`. A quadrant of a circle of radius `x`, centered at `C`, is constructed. The arc meets side `BC` at `E`. It touches the side `AB` at `D`, and meets side `AC` at `F`. The interval `CD` is perpendicular to `AB`.
- Show that `Delta ABC` and `Delta ACD` are similar. (1 mark)
- Show that
`qquad x = (ab)/c`. (1 mark)
- From `F`, a line perpendicular to `AC` is drawn to meet `AB` at `G`, forming the right-angled triangle `GFA`. A new quadrant is constructed in triangle `GFA` touching side `AB` at `H`. The process is then repeated indefinitely.
- Show that the limiting sum of the areas of all the quadrants is
`qquad (pi ab^2)/(4(2c - a)).` (4 marks)
- Hence, or otherwise, show that
`qquad pi/2 < (2c - a)/b`. (1 mark)
Networks, STD2 N3 2012 FUR1 8 MC
Eight activities, `A, B, C, D, E, F, G` and `H`, must be completed for a project.
The network above shows these activities and their usual duration in hours.
The duration of each activity can be reduced by one hour.
To complete this project in 16 hours, the minimum number of activities that must be reduced by one hour each is
A. `1`
B. `2`
C. `3`
D. `4`
Networks, STD2 N3 2007 FUR2 4
A community centre is to be built on the new housing estate.
Nine activities have been identified for this building project.
The directed network below shows the activities and their completion times in weeks.
- Determine the minimum time, in weeks, to complete this project. (1 mark)
--- 1 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
- Determine the float time, in weeks, for activity `D`. (2 marks)
--- 4 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
The builders of the community centre are able to speed up the project.
Some of the activities can be reduced in time at an additional cost.
The activities that can be reduced in time are `A`, `C`, `E`, `F` and `G`.
- Which of these activities, if reduced in time individually, would not result in an earlier completion of the project? (1 mark)
--- 2 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
The owner of the estate is prepared to pay the additional cost to achieve early completion.
The cost of reducing the time of each activity is $5000 per week.
The maximum reduction in time for each one of the five activities, `A`, `C`, `E`, `F`, `G`, is `2` weeks.
- Determine the minimum time, in weeks, for the project to be completed now that certain activities can be reduced in time. (1 mark)
--- 1 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
- Determine the minimum additional cost of completing the project in this reduced time. (1 mark)
--- 1 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
Networks, STD2 N3 2009 FUR2 4
A walkway is to be built across the lake.
Eleven activities must be completed for this building project.
The directed network below shows the activities and their completion times in weeks.
- What is the earliest start time for activity E? (1 mark)
--- 1 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
- Write down the critical path for this project. (1 mark)
--- 1 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
- The project supervisor correctly writes down the float time for each activity that can be delayed and makes a list of these times.
Determine the longest float time, in weeks, on the supervisor’s list. (1 mark)
--- 2 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
A twelfth activity, L, with duration three weeks, is to be added without altering the critical path.
Activity L has an earliest start time of four weeks and a latest start time of five weeks.
- Draw in activity L on the network diagram above. (1 mark)
- Activity L starts, but then takes four weeks longer than originally planned.
Determine the total overall time, in weeks, for the completion of this building project. (1 mark)
--- 2 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
Networks, STD2 N3 2010 FUR1 8 MC
A project has 12 activities. The network below gives the time (in hours) that it takes to complete each activity.
The critical path for this project is
Networks, STD2 N3 2006 FUR1 9 MC
The network below shows the activities and their completion times (in hours) that are needed to complete a project.
The project is to be optimised by reducing the completion time of one activity only.
This will reduce the completion time of the project by a maximum of
A. 1 hour
B. 3 hours
C. 4 hours
D. 5 hours
Networks, FUR2 2007 VCE 3
As an attraction for young children, a miniature railway runs throughout a new housing estate.
The trains travel through stations that are represented by nodes on the directed network diagram below.
The number of seats available for children, between each pair of stations, is indicated beside the corresponding edge.
Cut 1, through the network, is shown in the diagram above.
- Determine the capacity of Cut 1. (1 mark)
- Determine the maximum number of seats available for children for a journey that begins at the West Terminal and ends at the East Terminal. (1 mark)
On one particular train, 10 children set out from the West Terminal.
No new passengers board the train on the journey to the East Terminal.
- Determine the maximum number of children who can arrive at the East Terminal on this train. (1 mark)
Networks, FUR2 2013 VCE 3
The rangers at the wildlife park restrict access to the walking tracks through areas where the animals breed.
The edges on the directed network diagram below represent one-way tracks through the breeding areas. The direction of travel on each track is shown by an arrow. The numbers on the edges indicate the maximum number of people who are permitted to walk along each track each day.
- Starting at `A`, how many people, in total, are permitted to walk to `D` each day? (1 mark)
One day, all the available walking tracks will be used by students on a school excursion.
The students will start at `A` and walk in four separate groups to `D`.
Students must remain in the same groups throughout the walk.
Networks, FUR1 2014 VCE 9 MC
A network of tracks connects two car parks in a festival venue to the exit, as shown in the directed graph below.
The arrows show the direction that cars can travel along each of the tracks and the numbers show each track’s capacity in cars per minute.
Four cuts are drawn on the diagram.
The maximum number of cars per minute that will reach the exit is given by the capacity of
A. Cut A
B. Cut B
C. Cut C
D. Cut D
Networks, FUR1 2012 VCE 7 MC
Vehicles from a town can drive onto a freeway along a network of one-way and two-way roads, as shown in the network diagram below.
The numbers indicate the maximum number of vehicles per hour that can travel along each road in this network. The arrows represent the permitted direction of travel.
One of the four dotted lines shown on the diagram is the minimum cut for this network.
The maximum number of vehicles per hour that can travel through this network from the town onto the freeway is
A. `330`
B. `350`
C. `370`
D. `390`
Networks, STD2 N2 2009 FUR1 8 MC
An undirected connected graph has five vertices.
Three of these vertices are of even degree and two of these vertices are of odd degree.
One extra edge is added. It joins two of the existing vertices.
In the resulting graph, it is not possible to have five vertices that are
A. all of even degree.
B. all of equal degree.
C. one of even degree and four of odd degree.
D. four of even degree and one of odd degree.
Number, NAP-K3-NC02 SA
Hendrix is driving from Bundaberg to Caloundra, a distance of 306 kilometres.
When Hendrix gets to the Sunshine Coast, he has 36 kilometres left.
What distance has Hendrix travelled when he gets to the Sunshine Coast?
kilometres |
Number, NAP-K3-NC01
Jazz buys 4 avocados for $1.20 each.
He pays for the avocados with a $5 note.
How much change should Jazz receive?
`$0.20` | `$0.30` | `$3.80` | `$4.80` |
Measurement, NAP-K3-CA10
Sisko is making red cordial for his daughter's birthday party.
Red cordial is made by adding red concentrate with water.
Sisko adds 60 millilitres (mL) of red concentrate to 1 litre (L) of water.
How much red cordial has Sisko made?
`text(61 mL)` | `text(160 mL)` | `text(1060 mL)` | `text(10060 mL)` |
Algebra, NAP-K3-CA08
Raphael is 2 years younger than 3 times his sister's age.
If `s` represents his sister's age, which expression represents Raphael's age?
`2 - 3s` | `3s - 2` | `3s + 2` | `2s - 3` |
Geometry, NAP-K3-CA07
Statistics, NAP-K3-CA06
Clive and Alvin asked their friends how many books they had read in the past month.
Clive draws a picture graph to show the results for his friends.
Alvin draws a column graph to show the results for his friends.
How many more of Clive's friends read 3-4 books in the last month than Alvin's friends?
`0` | `4` | `6` | `8` |
Probability, NAP-K3-CA02
There are 20 raffle tickets, numbered 1 to 20, in a box.
Three prizes are given away by choosing three tickets from the box. One ticket can win one prize only.
The first ticket drawn is number 15 and wins the third prize.
Which of the following is not possible?
Second prize is won by number 2. |
First prize is won by a prime number. |
Second prize is an even number. |
First prize is won by number 15. |
Measurement, NAP-K4-CA02
Kim, Bob and Liz each measure the height of the hedge in their front yards.
- Kim's hedge is 0.72 metres tall.
- Bob's hedge is 815 millimetres tall.
- Liz's hedge is 68 centimetres tall
Who has the tallest hedge in their front yard?
Kim | Bob | Liz |
Calculus, MET1 SM-Bank 17
The diagram shows a point `T` on the unit circle `x^2+y^2=1` at an angle `theta` from the positive `x`-axis, where `0<theta<pi/2`.
The tangent to the circle at `T` is perpendicular to `OT`, and intersects the `x`-axis at `P`, and the line `y=1` intersects the `y`-axis at `B`
- Show that the equation of the line `PT` is `xcostheta+ysin theta=1`. (2 marks)
--- 7 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
- Find the length of `BQ` in terms of `theta`. (1 mark)
--- 4 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
- Show that the area, `A`, of the trapezium `OPQB` is given by
- `A=(2-sintheta)/(2costheta)` (2 marks)
--- 8 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
- Find the angle `theta` that gives the minimum area of the trapezium. (3 marks)
--- 10 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
Calculus, MET1 SM-Bank 27
A cone is inscribed in a sphere of radius `a`, centred at `O`. The height of the cone is `x` and the radius of the base is `r`, as shown in the diagram.
- Show that the volume, `V`, of the cone is given by
- `V = 1/3 pi(2ax^2-x^3)`. (2 marks)
--- 6 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
- Find the value of `x` for which the volume of the cone is a maximum. You must give reasons why your value of `x` gives the maximum volume. (3 marks)
--- 9 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
Calculus, MET1 SM-Bank 35
The diagram shows two parallel brick walls `KJ` and `MN` joined by a fence from `J` to `M`. The wall `KJ` is `s` metres long and `/_KJM=alpha`. The fence `JM` is `l` metres long.
A new fence is to be built from `K` to a point `P` somewhere on `MN`. The new fence `KP` will cross the original fence `JM` at `O`.
Let `OJ=x` metres, where `0<x<l`.
- Show that the total area, `A` square metres, enclosed by `DeltaOKJ` and `DeltaOMP` is given by
- `A=s(x-l+l^2/(2x))sin alpha`. (3 marks)
--- 9 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
- Find the value of `x` that makes `A` as small as possible. Justify the fact that this value of `x` gives the minimum value for `A`. (3 marks)
--- 9 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
- Hence, find the length of `MP` when `A` is as small as possible. (1 mark)
--- 5 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
Calculus, MET1 SM-Bank 30
A function is given by `f(x) = 3x^4 + 4x^3-12x^2`.
- Find the coordinates of the stationary points of `f(x)` and determine their nature. (3 marks)
--- 9 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
- Hence, sketch the graph `y = f(x)` showing the stationary points. (2 marks)
--- 6 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
- For what values of `x` is the function increasing? (1 mark)
--- 2 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
- For what values of `k` will `f(x) = 3x^4 + 4x^3-12x^2 + k = 0` have no solution? (1 mark)
--- 3 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
Calculus, 2ADV C3 SM-Bank 13
The figure shown represents a wire frame where `ABCE` is a convex quadrilateral. The point `D` is on line segment `EC` with `AB = ED = 2\ text(cm)` and `BC = a\ text(cm)`, where `a` is a positive constant.
`/_ BAE = /_ CEA = pi/2`
Let `/_ CBD = theta` where `0 < theta < pi/2.`
- Find `BD` and `CD` in terms of `a` and `theta`. (2 marks)
--- 5 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
- Find the length, `L` cm, of the wire in the frame, including length `BD`, in terms of `a` and `theta`. (1 mark)
--- 2 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
- Find `(dL)/(d theta)`, and hence show that `(dL)/(d theta) = 0` when `BD = 2CD`. (2 marks)
--- 5 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
- Find the maximum value of `L` if `a = 3 sqrt 5`. (1 mark)
--- 2 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
The rides at the theme park are set up at the beginning of each holiday season.
This project involves activities A to O.
The directed network below shows these activities and their completion times in days.
- Write down the two immediate predecessors of activity I. (1 mark)
--- 1 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
- The minimum completion time for the project is 19 days.
i. There are two critical paths. One of the critical paths is A–E–J–L–N.
Write down the other critical path. (1 mark)
--- 1 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
ii. Determine the float time, in days, for activity F. (1 mark)
--- 2 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
- The project could finish earlier if some activities were crashed.
Six activities, B, D, G, I, J and L, can all be reduced by one day.
The cost of this crashing is $1000 per activity.
i. What is the minimum number of days in which the project could now be completed? (1 mark)
--- 4 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
ii. What is the minimum cost of completing the project in this time? (1 mark)
--- 3 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
Senior students at a school choose one elective activity in each of the four terms in 2018.
Their choices are communication (`C`), investigation (`I`), problem-solving (`P`) and service (`S`).
The transition matrix `T` shows the way in which senior students are expected to change their choice of elective activity from term to term.
`{:(qquadqquadqquadqquadquadtext(this term)),(qquadqquadqquad\ CqquadquadIqquadquadPqquad\ S),(T = [(0.4,0.2,0.3,0.1),(0.2,0.4,0.1,0.3),(0.2,0.3,0.3,0.4),(0.2,0.1,0.3,0.2)]{:(C),(I),(P),(S):}qquadtext(next term)):}`
Let `S_n` be the state matrix for the number of senior students expected to choose each elective activity in Term `n`.
For the given matrix `S_1`, a matrix rule that can be used to predict the number of senior students in each elective activity in Terms 2, 3 and 4 is
`S_1 = [(300),(200),(200),(300)],qquadS_(n + 1) = TS_n`
- How many senior students will not change their elective activity from Term 1 to Term 2? (1 mark)
--- 2 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
- Complete `S_2`, the state matrix for Term 2, below. (1 mark)
--- 3 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
- Of the senior students expected to choose investigation (`I`) in Term 3, what percentage chose service (`S`) in Term 2? (2 marks)
--- 5 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
- What is the maximum number of senior students expected in investigation (`I`) at any time during 2018? (1 mark)
--- 3 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
CORE, FUR2 2017 VCAA 6
Alex sends a bill to his customers after repairs are completed.
If a customer does not pay the bill by the due date, interest is charged.
Alex charges interest after the due date at the rate of 1.5% per month on the amount of an unpaid bill.
The interest on this amount will compound monthly.
- Alex sent Marcus a bill of $200 for repairs to his car.
Marcus paid the full amount one month after the due date.
How much did Marcus pay? (1 mark)
--- 3 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
Alex sent Lily a bill of $428 for repairs to her car.
Lily did not pay the bill by the due date.
Let `A_n` be the amount of this bill `n` months after the due date.
- Write down a recurrence relation, in terms of `A_0`, `A_(n + 1)` and `A_n`, that models the amount of the bill. (2 marks)
--- 1 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
- Lily paid the full amount of her bill four months after the due date.
How much interest was Lily charged?
Round your answer to the nearest cent. (1 mark)
--- 3 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
CORE, FUR2 2017 VCAA 4
The eggs laid by the female moths hatch and become caterpillars.
The following time series plot shows the total area, in hectares, of forest eaten by the caterpillars in a rural area during the period 1900 to 1980.
The data used to generate this plot is also given.
The association between area of forest eaten by the caterpillars and year is non-linear.
A log10 transformation can be applied to the variable area to linearise the data.
- When the equation of the least squares line that can be used to predict log10 (area) from year is determined, the slope of this line is approximately 0.0085385
- Round this value to three significant figures. (1 mark)
- Perform the log10 transformation to the variable area and determine the equation of the least squares line that can be used to predict log10 (area) from year.
- Write the values of the intercept and slope of this least squares line in the appropriate boxes provided below.
- Round your answers to three significant figures. (2 marks)
--- 0 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
The least squares line predicts that the log10 (area) of forest eaten by the caterpillars by the year 2020 will be approximately 2.85
- Using this value of 2.85, calculate the expected area of forest that will be eaten by the caterpillars by the year 2020.
- i. Round your answer to the nearest hectare. (1 mark)
--- 2 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
- ii. Give a reason why this prediction may have limited reliability. (1 mark)
--- 2 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
Calculus, 2ADV C3 SM-Bank 7
The graph of `f(x) = sqrt x (1 - x)` for `0<=x<=1` is shown below.
- Calculate the area between the graph of `f(x)` and the `x`-axis. (2 marks)
--- 5 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
- For `x` in the interval `(0, 1)`, show that the gradient of the tangent to the graph of `f(x)` is `(1 - 3x)/(2 sqrt x)`. (1 mark)
--- 2 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
The edges of the right-angled triangle `ABC` are the line segments `AC` and `BC`, which are tangent to the graph of `f(x)`, and the line segment `AB`, which is part of the horizontal axis, as shown below.
Let `theta` be the angle that `AC` makes with the positive direction of the horizontal axis.
- Find the equation of the line through `B` and `C` in the form `y = mx + c`, for `theta = 45^@`. (3 marks)
--- 6 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
Algebra, MET2 2017 VCAA 4
Let `f : R → R :\ f (x) = 2^(x + 1)-2`. Part of the graph of `f` is shown below.
- The transformation `T: R^2 -> R^2, \ T([(x),(y)]) = [(x),(y)] + [(c),(d)]` maps the graph of `y = 2^x` onto the graph of `f`.
State the values of `c` and `d`. (2 marks)
--- 5 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
- Find the rule and domain for `f^(-1)`, the inverse function of `f`. (2 marks)
--- 5 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
- Find the area bounded by the graphs of `f` and `f^(-1)`. (3 marks)
--- 3 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
- Part of the graphs of `f` and `f^(-1)` are shown below.
Find the gradient of `f` and the gradient of `f^(-1)` at `x = 0`. (2 marks)
--- 2 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
The functions of `g_k`, where `k ∈ R^+`, are defined with domain `R` such that `g_k(x) = 2e^(kx)-2`.
- Find the value of `k` such that `g_k(x) = f(x)`. (1 mark)
--- 3 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
- Find the rule for the inverse functions `g_k^(-1)` of `g_k`, where `k ∈ R^+`. (1 mark)
--- 5 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
- i. Describe the transformation that maps the graph of `g_1` onto the graph of `g_k`. (1 mark)
--- 3 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
ii. Describe the transformation that maps the graph of `g_1^(-1)` onto the graph of `g_k^(-1)`. (1 mark)
--- 3 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
- The lines `L_1` and `L_2` are the tangents at the origin to the graphs of `g_k` and `g_k^(-1)` respectively.
- Find the value(s) of `k` for which the angle between `L_1` and `L_2` is 30°. (2 marks)
--- 6 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
- Let `p` be the value of `k` for which `g_k(x) = g_k^(−1)(x)` has only one solution.
- i. Find `p`. (2 marks)
--- 4 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
- ii. Let `A(k)` be the area bounded by the graphs of `g_k` and `g_k^(-1)` for all `k > p`.
- State the smallest value of `b` such that `A(k) < b`. (1 mark)
--- 4 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
Probability, MET2 2017 VCAA 3
The time Jennifer spends on her homework each day varies, but she does some homework every day. The continuous random variable `T`, which models the time, `t,` in minutes, that Jennifer spends each day on her homework, has a probability density function `f`, where `f(t) = {{:(1/625 (t - 20)),(1/625 (70 - t)),(0):}qquad{:(20 <= t < 45),(45 <= t <= 70),(text(elsewhere)):}:}` --- 0 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) --- --- 3 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) --- --- 5 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) --- --- 5 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) --- --- 3 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) --- --- 3 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) --- Let `p` be the probability that on any given day Jennifer spends more than `d` minutes on her homework. Let `q` be the probability that on two or three days out of seven randomly chosen days she spends more than `d` minutes on her homework. --- 6 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) --- --- 3 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) --- --- 5 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
Algebra, MET2 2017 VCAA 2
Sammy visits a giant Ferris wheel. Sammy enters a capsule on the Ferris wheel from a platform above the ground. The Ferris wheel is rotating anticlockwise. The capsule is attached to the Ferris wheel at point `P`. The height of `P` above the ground, `h`, is modelled by `h(t) = 65-55cos((pit)/15)`, where `t` is the time in minutes after Sammy enters the capsule and `h` is measured in metres.
Sammy exits the capsule after one complete rotation of the Ferris wheel.
- State the minimum and maximum heights of `P` above the ground. (1 mark)
--- 2 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
- For how much time is Sammy in the capsule? (1 mark)
--- 2 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
- Find the rate of change of `h` with respect to `t` and, hence, state the value of `t` at which the rate of change of `h` is at its maximum. (2 marks)
--- 4 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
As the Ferris wheel rotates, a stationary boat at `B`, on a nearby river, first becomes visible at point `P_1`. `B` is 500 m horizontally from the vertical axis through the centre `C` of the Ferris wheel and angle `CBO = theta`, as shown below.
- Find `theta` in degrees, correct to two decimal places. (1 mark)
--- 3 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
Part of the path of `P` is given by `y = sqrt(3025-x^2) + 65, x ∈ [-55,55]`, where `x` and `y` are in metres.
- Find `(dy)/(dx)`. (1 mark)
--- 2 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
As the Ferris wheel continues to rotate, the boat at `B` is no longer visible from the point `P_2(u, v)` onwards. The line through `B` and `P_2` is tangent to the path of `P`, where angle `OBP_2 = alpha`.
- Find the gradient of the line segment `P_2B` in terms of `u` and, hence, find the coordinates of `P_2`, correct to two decimal places. (3 marks)
--- 10 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
- Find `alpha` in degrees, correct to two decimal places. (1 mark)
--- 4 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
- Hence or otherwise, find the length of time, to the nearest minute, during which the boat at `B` is visible. (2 marks)
--- 5 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
Calculus, MET2 2017 VCAA 17 MC
The graph of a function `f`, where `f(−x) = f (x)`, is shown below.
The graph has `x`-intercepts at `(a, 0)`, `(b, 0)`, `(c, 0)` and `(d, 0)` only.
The area bound by the curve and the `x`-axis on the interval `[a, d]` is
- `int_a^d f(x)\ dx`
- `int_a^b f(x)\ dx - int_c^b f(x)\ dx + int_c^d f(x)\ dx`
- `2int_a^b f(x)\ dx + int_b^c f(x)\ dx`
- `2int_a^b f(x)\ dx - 2int_b^(b + c) f(x)\ dx`
- `int_a^b f(x)\ dx + int_c^b f(x)\ dx + int_d^c f(x)\ dx`
Calculus, MET1 2017 VCAA 9
The graph of `f: [0, 1] -> R,\ f(x) = sqrt x (1-x)` is shown below.
- Calculate the area between the graph of `f` and the `x`-axis. (2 marks)
--- 6 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
- For `x` in the interval `(0, 1)`, show that the gradient of the tangent to the graph of `f` is `(1-3x)/(2 sqrt x)`. (1 mark)
--- 4 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
The edges of the right-angled triangle `ABC` are the line segments `AC` and `BC`, which are tangent to the graph of `f`, and the line segment `AB`, which is part of the horizontal axis, as shown below.
Let `theta` be the angle that `AC` makes with the positive direction of the horizontal axis, where `45^@ <= theta < 90^@`.
- Find the equation of the line through `B` and `C` in the form `y = mx + c`, for `theta = 45^@`. (2 marks)
--- 7 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
- Find the coordinates of `C` when `theta = 45^@`. (4 marks)
--- 10 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
Functions, MET1 2017 VCAA 7
Let `f: [0, oo) -> R,\ f(x) = sqrt(x + 1)`.
- State the range of `f`. (1 mark)
--- 1 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
- Let `g: (-oo, c] -> R,\ \ g(x) = x^2 + 4x + 3`.
- Find the largest possible value of `c` such that the range of `g` is a subset of the domain of `f`. (2 marks)
--- 4 WORK AREA LINES (style=lined) ---
- For the value of `c` found in part b.i., state the range of `f(g(x))`. (1 mark)
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- Find the largest possible value of `c` such that the range of `g` is a subset of the domain of `f`. (2 marks)
- Let `h: R -> R,\ \ h(x) = x^2 + 3`.
- State the range of `f(h(x))`. (1 mark)
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Financial Maths, STD2 F1 SM-Bank 5
Alex is buying a used car which has a sale price of $13 380. In addition to the sale price there are the following costs:
- Stamp Duty for this car is calculated at $3 for every $100, or part thereof, of the sale price.
Calculate the Stamp Duty payable. (1 mark)
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- Alex wishes to take out comprehensive insurance for the car for 12 months.
The cost of comprehensive insurance is calculated using the following:
Find the total amount that Alex will need to pay for comprehensive insurance. (3 marks)
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- Alex has decided he will take out the comprehensive car insurance rather than the less expensive non-compulsory third-party car insurance.
What extra cover is provided by the comprehensive car insurance? (1 mark)
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Measurement, STD2 M1 2017 HSC 30e
A solid is made up of a sphere sitting partially inside a cone.
The sphere, centre `O`, has a radius of 4 cm and sits 2 cm inside the cone. The solid has a total height of 15 cm. The solid and its cross-section are shown.
Using the formula `V=1/3 pi r^2h` where `r` is the radius of the cone's circular base and `h` is the perpendicular height of the cone, find the volume of the cone, correct to the nearest cm³? (3 marks)
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Proof, EXT2 P2 2017 HSC 16c
A 2 by `n` grid is made up of two rows of `n` square tiles, as shown.
The tiles of the 2 by `n` grid are to be painted so that tiles sharing an edge are painted using different colours. There are `x` different colours available, where `x ≥ 2`.
It is NOT necessary to use all the colours.
Consider the case of the 2 by 2 grid with tiles labelled A, B, C and D, as shown.
There are `x(x - 1)` ways to choose colours for the first column containing tiles A and B. Do NOT prove this.
- Assume the colours for tiles A and B have been chosen. There are two cases to consider when choosing colours for the second column. Either tile C is the same colour as tile B, or tile C is a different colour from tile B.
By considering these two cases, show that the number of ways of choosing colours for the second column is `x^2 - 3x +3`. (2 marks)
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- Prove by mathematical induction that the number of ways in which the 2 by `n` grid can be painted is `x(x - 1)(x^2 - 3x + 3)^(n - 1)`, for `n ≥ 1`. (2 marks)
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- In how many ways can a 2 by 5 grid be painted if 3 colours are available and each colour must now be used at least once? (2 marks)
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Harder Ext1 Topics, EXT2 2017 HSC 16a
Let `alpha = costheta + i sintheta`, where `0 < theta < 2pi`.
- Show that `alpha^k + alpha^(−k) = 2 cos ktheta`, for any integer `k`. (1 mark)
- Let `C = alpha^(−n) + … + alpha^(−1) + 1 + alpha + … + alpha^n`, where `n` is a positive integer.
- By summing the series, prove that
- Deduce, from parts (i) and (ii), that`1 + 2(costheta + cos2theta + … + cosntheta) = (cosntheta - cos(n + 1)theta)/(1 - costheta)`. (2 marks)
- Show that
`cos\ pi/n + cos\ (2pi)/n + … + cos\ (npi)/n` is independent of `n`. (1 mark)
Conics, EXT2 2017 HSC 15c
The ellipse with equation `(x^2)/(a^2) + (y^2)/(b^2) = 1`, where `a > b`, has eccentricity `e`.
The hyperbola with equation `(x^2)/(c^2) - (y^2)/(d^2) = 1`, has eccentricity `E`.
The value of `c` is chosen so that the hyperbola and the ellipse meet at `P(x_1, y_1)`, as shown in the diagram.
- Show that
- `(x_1^(\ 2))/(y_1^(\ 2)) = (a^2c^2)/((a^2 - c^2)) xx ((b^2 + d^2))/(b^2d^2)`. (2 marks)
- If the two conics have the same foci, show that their tangents at `P` are perpendicular. (3 marks)
Consider the matrix recurrence relation below.
`S_0 = [(40),(15),(20)], \ S_(n + 1) = TS_n` where `T = [(0.3,0.2,V),(0.2,0.2,W),(X,Y,Z)]`
Matrix `T` is a regular transition matrix.
Given the above and that `S_1 = [(29),(13),(33)]`, which of the following expressions is not true?
- `W > Z`
- `Y > X`
- `V > Y`
- `V + W + Z = 1`
- `X + Y + Z > 1`
At a fish farm:
- young fish (`Y`) may eventually grow into juveniles (`J`) or they may die (`D`)
- juveniles (`J`) may eventually grow into adults (`A`) or they may die (`D`)
- adults (`A`) eventually die (`D`).
The initial state of this population, `F_0`, is shown below.
`F_0 = [(50\ 000),(10\ 000),(7000),(0)]{:(Y),(J),(A),(D):}`
Every month, fish are either sold or bought so that the number of young, juvenile and adult fish in the farm remains constant.
The population of fish in the fish farm after `n` months, `F_n`, can be determined by the recurrence rule
`F_(n + 1) = [(0.65,0,0,0),(0.25,0.75,0,0),(0,0.20,0.95,0),(0.10,0.05,0.05,1)]\ F_n + B`
where `B` is a column matrix that shows the number of young, juvenile and adult fish bought or sold each month and the number of dead fish that are removed.
Each month, the fish farm will
- sell 1650 adult fish.
- buy 1750 adult fish.
- sell 17 500 young fish.
- buy 50 000 young fish.
- buy 10 000 juvenile fish.
The shaded area in the graph below shows the feasible region for a linear programming problem.
The objective function is given by
`Z = mx + ny`
Which one of the following statements is not true?
- When `m = 4` and `n = 1`, the minimum value of `Z` is at point `A`.
- When `m = 1` and `n = 6`, the maximum value of `Z` is at point `B`.
- When `m = 2` and `n = 5`, the minimum value of `Z` is at point `C`.
- When `m = 2` and `n = 6`, the maximum value of `Z` is at point `D`.
- When `m = 12` and `n = 1`, the maximum value of `Z` is at point `E`.
The flow of oil through a series of pipelines, in litres per minute, is shown in the network below.
The weightings of three of the edges are labelled `x`.
Five cuts labelled A–E are shown on the network.
The maximum flow of oil from the source to the sink, in litres per minute, is given by the capacity of
- `text(Cut A if)\ x = 1`
- `text(Cut B if)\ x = 2`
- `text(Cut C if)\ x = 2`
- `text(Cut D if)\ x = 3`
- `text(Cut E if)\ x = 3`
A triangle `ABC` has:
• one side, `bar(AB)`, of length 4 cm
• one side, `bar(BC)`, of length 7 cm
• one angle, `∠ACB`, of 26°.
Which one of the following angles, correct to the nearest degree, could not be another angle in triangle `ABC`?
- `24°`
- `50°`
- `104°`
- `130°`
- `144°`
CORE, FUR1 2017 VCAA 24 MC
Xavier borrowed $245 000 to pay for a house.
For the first 10 years of the loan, the interest rate was 4.35% per annum, compounding monthly.
Xavier made monthly repayments of $1800.
After 10 years, the interest rate changed.
If Xavier now makes monthly repayments of $2000, he could repay the loan in a further five years.
The new annual interest rate for Xavier’s loan is closest to
- 0.35%
- 4.1%
- 4.5%
- 4.8%
- 18.7%
Statistics, NAP-I3-CA09
The graph shows the origin and type of all vehicles in a city.
Which statement is most accurate based on the graph?
There are more utility vehicles than trucks and vans. |
Utility vehicles are the most common type of vehicles |
There are more Australian vehicles than European vehicles. |
There are more Asian vehicles than European vehicles. |
Measurement, NAP-A3-NC14
Geometry, NAP-A3-CA12
Statistics, NAP-A3-NC09
Probability, NAP-A3-NC08
Number, NAP-A3-NC10 SA
What is the missing number?
`3 xx ` | `= 6 xx 4` |
Number, NAP-A3-NC07
What is $15 as a percentage of $60?
`text(6%)` | `text(15%)` | `text(25%)` | `text(60%)` |
Algebra, NAP-A3-NC05
Geometry, NAP-A3-CA06
Number, NAP-A3-CA05
Which number is exactly halfway between `1 1/3` and `4 2/3`?
`2 1/3` | `3` | `3 1/3` | `3 2/3` |
Statistics, NAP-A3-CA04
Geometry, NAP-A4-NC06
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